#IMAGE tag in HTML

Insert picture your web page used tag <img> example:
<img src="write picture name with extension" >
<img src="dog.jpg">

note:-image already save in  your html  folder.

The <img>  tag has two required attributes:

  • src - Specifies the path to the image
  • alt - Specifies an the path not find

<head><title>insert img web page</title>
<img src="dog.jpg" width="300" height="300" alt="error" border="5">

#Images Save in Another Folder or desktop

If you have your images save in another folder or othe location , you must include the folder name  or url,path set in the src attribute:


<head><title>insert img web page</title>
<img src="Desktop\cat.jpeg" width="300" height="300" alt="error" border="5">

#Image as a Link

To use an image as a link, put the <img> tag inside the <a> tag:




<title>image link</title>



 <p>The image is a link. You can click on it.</p>

 <a href="formatingtag.html">

<img src="dog.jpg"  width="300" height="300">




Note:- Picture save in your folder. Than you click on picture open the link page. You can link the picture audio,vedio,web pge,web site ext..

#Animated Images

HTML allows animated GIFs:



<title>insert animated image</title>



<img src="programming.gif" alt="Computer” width=”300” height=”300”>


 #HTML Image Maps

An image map is that you should be able to perform different actions depending on where in the image you click.



<title>usemap attributes</title>



<img src="logo.jpg"   usemap="#imp">

<map name="imp" id="#imp">

<area shape="rect"  cords="4,0,209,101"  href="heading.html" target="blank">




Note:- this site is used to search the image cords or coordinates.


Q. How to set background image in webpage?

<title>set background image </title>

<body background="jeep.jpg"  alt="error">
any thing write in body


Q. How to set background color in webpage?

<title>set background color</title>

<body bgcolor="gray"  >
any thing write in body



HTML Favicon:-

A favicon is a small image displayed to the page title in the browser tab.

favicon webpage logo

  <title>My Page Title</title>
  <link rel="icon"   type="image/png"   href="k.jpeg">
<h1>This is a Heading</h1>


#HTML Video

NOTE:-Your video and audio saved in your folder.


The HTML <video> element is used to show a video on a web page.



<title>video tag</title>



<video controls="controls" src="v.mp4" height="500" >




#How it Works

  • The controls attribute adds video controls, like play, pause, and volume.
  • The text between the <video> and </video> tags will only be displayed in browsers that do not support the  <video> element.
  • The loop attribute used to vedio repeatly play.
  • The poster attribute used for insert thumnail your video. 

#HTML <video> Autoplay

To start a video automatically, use the autoplay attribute:



<title>video autoplay</title>



<video controls="controls" src="v.mp4" height="500" 

autoplay >




#HTML Video loop and poster attributes



<title>video loop and poster attributes</title>



<video controls="controls" src="v.mp4" height="500" 

loop='loop" poster="image.jpg">




#HTML Audio

  • To play an audio file in HTML, use the <audio> element:
  • The HTML <audio> Element
  • To play an audio file in HTML, use the <audio> element:




<title> a audio tag</title>



<audio  src="kujsaal.mp3" controls="controls" loop="loop"  muted="muted" autoplay="autoplay">




HTML Audio - How It Works

  • The controls attribute adds audio controls, like play, pause, and volume.
  • The text between the  <audio>  and  </audio> tags will only be displayed in browsers .
  • To start an audio file automatically, use the autoplay attribute.
  • Add muted  after autoplay to let your audio file start playing automatically (but muted).

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